All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a precise Position relative to the game scene
Represents an Animation on a game entity
Represents a game Area of positions
Provides utilities for arrays
Provides operations related to game chat
Represents an operation that accepts the original flag and the position and applies a modified flag, or the original if no modification is needed.
use Combat instead.
Bot configuration data and paths
Provides cutscene operations
Defined<K extends RSDefinition,T extends Definition<K>>
Provides operations relating to dialogs
Enum containing possible directions in the game
A RectangularArea alternative which acts as a lightweight solution for "large" rectangular areas
Enum containing various DistanceEvaluator's
Interface for distance calculations
Provides access to the games EffectObjects
Provides functionality to interact with the games enter input interface
Entity<P extends RSEntity>
Executor service utilities
Provides general game state operations
For jagex accounts, username is the character id and password is the session id.
Provides local player health related operations
Provides access to the games HintArrows
Represents a Hitsplat on a PathingEntity
Represents an address which can be used to lookup an InterfaceComponent
Provides operations for game interfaces
Represents a function that produces an int-valued result.
A class for the manipulation of item containers.
Represents an Item in game
An interface representing the setup that an ItemEntry needs.
Provides operations relating to the magic spell book
Mapping utilities
Operations related to player movement
NodeDeque<T extends RSNode>
Provides access to the games Npcs
Provides access to the games OculusOrb
Provides access to the games Pickables - also known as ground items
Source: The TextPrompt class will display a prompt over top of a text component when the Document of the text field is empty.
Provides access to the games Players
Represents a Position relative to the game world
Provides operations to interact with the prayer book
Provides utilities for predicates
Provides functionality for the manipulation of various production interfaces.
Provides access to the games Projectiles
Provides tile/screen translation operations
A cs2 based prompt.
Query<T,QB extends SelfTyped<QB>,QR extends QueryResults<T,QR>>
Represents a Query builder
Provides functions to retrieve random numbers
A numeric range, only the minimum and maximum values are provided.
Provides operations related to the games social system.
Represents a Position relative to the game scene
Provides access to the games Scene
Provides access to the games SceneObjects
Provides functionality to interact with the in game settings interface
Provides operations relating to local player stats
Represents the Stance of a PathingEntity
Provides operations relating to the games Stockmarket (commonly referred to as the Grand Exchange)
Utilities for the manipulation of strings
Provides operations relating to game tabs
Represents a tabbed document interface.
An event that is dispatched when a tile is highlighted or unhighlighted.
Provides operations for the games trading interfaces
An enum containing constants for different client vars
Provides access to game vars
An enum representing the different types of vars that the game has
Provides operations for the game servers and hopping between worlds