Class Game


public class Game extends Object
Provides general game state operations
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Game

      public Game()
  • Method Details

    • getClient

      public static RSClient getClient()
    • getRevision

      public static int getRevision()
    • setClient

      public static void setClient(RSClient client)
    • setFps

      public static void setFps(int fps)
    • getTick

      public static int getTick()
    • getAccountType

      public static AccountType getAccountType()
    • addMouseListener

      public static void addMouseListener(BotMouseListener listener)
    • removeMouseListener

      public static void removeMouseListener(BotMouseListener listener)
    • getMouseListeners

      public static List<BotMouseListener> getMouseListeners()
    • queueAction

      public static void queueAction(MenuAction action)
    • queueAction

      public static void queueAction(Action action)
    • getClientPreferences

      public static RSClientPreferences getClientPreferences()
    • getState

      public static int getState()
    • isLoggedIn

      public static boolean isLoggedIn()
    • isOnCredentialsScreen

      public static boolean isOnCredentialsScreen()
    • isLoadingRegion

      public static boolean isLoadingRegion()
    • getEngineCycle

      public static int getEngineCycle()
    • getCanvas

      public static Canvas getCanvas()
    • getEventMediator

      public static EventMediator getEventMediator()
    • getEventDispatcher

      public static EventDispatcher getEventDispatcher()
    • call

      public static <T> T call(Callable<T> callable)
      Executes code on the game thread
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type
      callable - The task to call
      The value returned from the task, or null
    • callAsync

      public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> callAsync(Function<RSClient,T> function)
      Executes code on the game thread
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type
      The value returned from the task, or null
    • call

      public static void call(Runnable runnable)
    • getProxy

      public static Proxy getProxy()
    • setProxy

      public static void setProxy(Proxy proxy)
    • getProxyCredentials

      public static Pair<String,String> getProxyCredentials()
    • setProxyCredentials

      public static void setProxyCredentials(Pair<String,String> proxyCredentials)
    • getActionFilter

      public static Predicate<MenuActionEvent> getActionFilter()
    • setActionFilter

      public static void setActionFilter(Predicate<MenuActionEvent> actionFilter)
    • isVerboseMenuActions

      public static boolean isVerboseMenuActions()
    • setVerboseMenuActions

      public static void setVerboseMenuActions(boolean verboseMenuActions)