Class Query<T,QB extends SelfTyped<QB>,QR extends QueryResults<T,QR>>

Type Parameters:
T - The element type
QB - Self type of the query builder
QR - The QueryResults type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Predicate<T>, SelfTyped<QB>
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComponentQuery, ItemQuery, RelationshipQuery, SceneNodeQuery, StockMarketTransactionQuery, WorldQuery

public abstract class Query<T,QB extends SelfTyped<QB>,QR extends QueryResults<T,QR>> extends Object implements Cloneable, SelfTyped<QB>, Predicate<T>
Represents a Query builder
  • Constructor Details

    • Query

      public Query()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultProvider

      public abstract Supplier<List<T>> getDefaultProvider()
    • results

      public final QR results()
    • filter

      public final QB filter(Predicate<T> filter)
    • provider

      public final QB provider(Supplier<List<T>> provider)
    • test

      public boolean test(T t)
      Specified by:
      test in interface Predicate<T>