Class RestockMeta

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RestockMeta extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RestockMeta

      public RestockMeta(int itemId, int purchaseAmount, int pricePerItem, int threshold)
      itemId - The id of the item to purchase
      purchaseAmount - The quantity to purchase
      pricePerItem - A negative value indicates that it should use the +5% increase button n times. For example, -3 will click the increase price by 5% button 3 times
    • RestockMeta

      public RestockMeta(int itemId, int purchaseAmount, int pricePerItem)
    • RestockMeta

      public RestockMeta(int purchaseAmount, int pricePerItem)
      purchaseAmount - The quantity to purchase
      pricePerItem - A negative value indicates that it should use the +5% increase button n times. For example, -3 will click the increase price by 5% button 3 times
  • Method Details

    • getPurchaseAmount

      public int getPurchaseAmount()
      The quantity to purchase
    • getPricePerItem

      public int getPricePerItem()
      The price at which each item should be purchased A negative value indicates that it should use the +5% increase button n times. For example, -3 will click the increase price by 5% button 3 times
    • getItemId

      public int getItemId()
    • getThreshold

      public int getThreshold()